Graphic Design Jobs in Kenya July 2018

Online jobs in Kenya today are feeding more stomachs than entire industries. The opportunities and freedom they offer during this digital age are exciting especially to youths who have given up on waiting for the government to create employment.

Today, Kenyans have bought cars, sustained families comfortably, built homes and travelled the world out of money made online. This is while they work from home or wherever they want. It's awesome, it's liberating and the endless opportunities available could be enough for everybody without too much competition.

But you know the drill, nothing good comes easy. Even in the online jobs industry nothing good and sustainable comes easy. You must be willing to put in work and sacrifice especially in the first few weeks and months.

And that's the problem with most youths, they want easy money. They want to make good money as soon as this very second. If you're that type of person, honestly there is no need to keep on reading.

I did a small research on the kind of things Kenyans are searching related to online jobs and here are some of the top findings

  • What are the easiest online jobs in Kenya?
  • How can I earn fast money?
  • Ways to make 20K fast?
  • How can I make money sitting at home?

The list goes on and on. It's quite funny reading through. People want to make good money while doing almost nothing. I'm sorry to say this but that's never the case anywhere.

The basic principle of making money is that you must be a master of your craft or good enough for people to recognize they need you and thus pay for your products and services. And this requires that you work on your craft long and diligently enough to reach to this level.

This principle applies very much in online working space. These people you see on social media and YouTube flaunting their wonderful lifestyles founded on online jobs took years to get where they are.

They didn't just wake up one day and travel to the Maldives without planning and working hard for years to reach to a point where they can do just that; wake up any day and travel anywhere they want.

But you know why I love online jobs? It's the freedom to live my life however I want beyond the sacrifice I have to make the first few years. If I asked you to choose between these two options

  • 5 years of hard work and minimal living and 35 years of abundance living and freedom or
  • 40 years in stable jobs with minimal freedom and moderate living.

Which would you choose? I would go with the first option a million times. Because what defines my happiness is the ability to live freely doing things I love without having to meet people's deadlines and expectations. That to me is life.

If you subscribe to my concept of happiness, then online jobs are for you.

I'm going to reveal some of the best online jobs in Kenya which if well researched into and done with consistency and patience can set you for life. Of course, if you squander your money later you'll be back to ground zero, so in addition to working, learn financial management skills.

I want you to promise me one thing though. Just one very simple thing.

Select one type of online job and focus on it 100%

It's very easy to be swayed by the many opportunities available online. One day you are writing articles then a friend tells you they made Ksh 1000 in a hour through forex exchange.

You drop your gig and hop over. After one week, another friend tells you they made 50K in one week doing online writing and again you are confused.

This unfocused behaviour will get you nowhere.

Promise to stick on one thing, study, research, practise every day until it starts to pay off. Once you start earning some good money, then you can hop around like a grasshopper, trying new things while maintaining your main thing.

It will take time but one day you will be glad you were patient.

So here are the very best online jobs that any normal Kenyan can do and earn good money. Not just Kenyans, but anybody in the world with an internet connection.

Enjoy the read!

1. Online Writing

online academic writing kenya
Online academic writing

The very first type of online job which is by now very common among unemployed graduates is online academic writing. Once upon a time, this gig was paying college fees, feeding university comrades and even buying cars and homes.

I remember I made my first money through online writing in the second year. It wasn't much coz I was working under an account owner. But the feeling was good. Nowadays I'm not sure about the market.

I have friends who used online writing to launch their lives then shifted to other gigs when the market became overcrowded. Which tells you one thing, online writing pays well. That's why people are racing to get a piece of the pie.

If you are good at writing or have some technical knowledge in fields such as accounting, engineering and medicine, then online writing would be the easiest online job for you.

You can get money soonest within a day if you get an account holder or job that pays instantly. Account owners will pay you through MPesa while the writing platforms pay through Paypal, Skrill and Neteller which you can then send to MPesa

I have a whole guide on how to get started with online writing which you should check if interested.

Besides, you can also own an account with the top online writing platforms on the internet. This might be a tall task especially if you're starting out but still possible.

But the best advice I can give you now is this:

Search for account owners who can pay you at least 200 per page for a few jobs. Work for a month or two as you save and gain skills. Then try to open an account or if possible buy an account from someone. The second option is very risky but worth a try.

2. Blogging

Blogging online jobs in Kenya

This is the second online job that would make you good money in my opinion. I quit online writing in my 3rd year to exclusively focus on blogging. Why? Because online writing is almost like a job.

You are basically working under someone who is also working to please a client. Thus, there is so much pressure and many deadlines to meet. You can be woken in the middle of the night to work on something. That simply wasn't working for me.

Now, in blogging, everything is under your control. You choose when to write, what to write and however much time you want to put in your blog. Blogging to me is liberating.

However, blogging isn't simple.

It's not like an online academic writing job where you will be paid at the end of the week or the month. In blogging, you can go months without seeing a single penny from your site. This is especially the case for beginners.

Did you know I made my first money from blogging after about 6-8 months? That's when I received Google AdSense payment on my Equity account. I cannot explain the joy it gave me despite the many months behind.

But honestly, I didn't work my ass off in those months, I was playing easy, writing an article once a week or twice at most. I believe, if I dedicated at least 3 months to fully indulge in blogging, I would have made more money sooner.

And that's where my advice comes in. With blogging, you must be ready to work hard patiently for a few months to 1 or 2 years before your blog sustains you financially. You can do this as part-time while working your daily job. The key is consistency.

Choose a niche that rhymes with your profession, talent or passion, then create a blog and start writing. Write for one month or two, target at least 20 good articles based on keyword research and ensure you optimize your content for Google.

I have a good guide on keyword research and google optimization.

Once you have good traffic, then you can start monetizing your blog through Google AdSense, Affiliate Marketing, selling digital products and many other ways. I won't dwell much on this. If you need help in starting a blog, hit me up on the comments section.

3. Article Writing

Article Writing Jobs in Kenya
Article Writing

Another very popular online job that's closely related to blogging is article writing. How different is it though from blogging?

Well, in blogging you own the content and the platform while in article writing you write for other people and companies

It's like an amalgamation of online writing and blogging because sometimes you choose what to write when to write but at the same time, you are doing it for someone else.

Article writing involves writing content that is optimized for search engines and that can bait people into visiting a website. It is mostly done to generate traffic besides giving information to readers.

I haven't done much of this before but I had a friend who would earn an easy 2k per week writing 2 articles for a law firm. You are given a topic and the minimum number of words to write. Your article will be posted on an established website and it is no longer your property.

Meanwhile, when there is a high demand for information on the internet, companies outsource article writing to freelance writers. You can be one of these guys.

There are article writing platforms which function in the same manner as academic writing accounts. They include TextBroker, Scripted, Fiverr and Upwork.

Starting out in these platforms might be tough. You can easily create an account but to start getting article gigs, you must meet certain criteria and proof your expertise in a given subject.

This takes time and several low paying gigs but soon, thing turn out just fine. If you get good enough you can even make tens of thousands on single jobs.

Meanwhile, you can also be an article writer for established content publishers in Kenya such as Nation Media, Tuko, Citizen TV and Standard Digital among others.

In the beginning, you might have to do some free articles before you earn the privilege to be paid. Each of these publishers has its conditions.

If you already own a niche blog it might be easier to get a freelance gig with these publishers because your blog establishes your credibility and authority in that particular topic. Henceforth, you can easily combine blogging and article writing and make more money.

4. Transcription

Transcription Jobs in Kenya
Speech to Text Translation

Transcription is an online job that involves someone listening to an audio recording and writing down the exact words said in the audio. The gig has been on the internet for decades now but it began gaining precedence among Kenyans around 2016.

This might be attributed to the online writing industry which turned much harder for newcomers and transcription became one of the most preferred alternatives. It pays well, but generally not as much as online writing.

For instance, the rates by top transcription platforms range at about $20 per hour. That's 2k for every hour of transcription. This seems like good money and you might see the potential of earning Ksh 10,000 per day but boy oh boy, wait till you try it.

I tried transcription soon after finishing my studies and was surprised at how tough that online job is. It took me a whole hour to transcribe a 6-minute audio recording.

I'm not sure how that happened but I remember having to stop and rewind every 10 seconds to get what had been spoken then type it down. Men! It was hectic. I was paid just Ksh 200. Honestly, it wasn't for me.

But this wouldn't be the case for everybody. Some people can easily get the words and when combined with fast typing, this can be their easiest online job.

It's no wonder that most transcription platforms require applicants to be citizens from the US, Canada UK and other English speaking countries. Or rather, anybody whose native language is English. They understand the accuracy and speed required to work on these transcription jobs.

Popular transcription platforms include TranscribeMe, AccuTran Global, CastingWords, Daily Transcription and SpeechPad.

As a Kenyan, you can still bypass the requirement for you to be from the mentioned countries by using VPN software to set your location during registration. Once you have an account, use a global payment method such as PayPal to receive payments.

Getting an account is however not easy and if you are lucky, you might have to condone a month or two of low paying jobs before you can be upgraded to earn more. The good thing about transcription is that it requires no specialized training to start. However, you must practise to get good and fast.

A good tip I discovered the other day is by playing the audio at the background while Google Speech recorder transcribes for you. This tip makes me wanna try transcription once again.

5. Forex, Stock and Cryptocurrency Trading

Forex trading
Forex Trading

These are three different concepts which are very much interrelated and offer opportunities some of the best online jobs in Kenya especially for the young generation. But first, let's define each of them.

Forex is the trading of fiat currencies. Fiat currency is money backed up by a government. For instance, the Kenyan shilling is backed up by the Kenyan government and the US dollar is backed up by the USA government.

Forex, therefore, involves using money to buy money or transferring the value of money from one currency to another. This is possible because different currencies have different value and these values keep fluctuating. At the moment one USD equals 106 Kenyan shillings

Stocks are shares of ownership of a company. Stock trading, therefore, involves buying shares of established companies and hoping their values increase with time so that you can sell to make a profit.

Cryptocurrency trading, on the other hand, is almost similar to forex. The only difference here is that instead of fiat currencies, you are dealing with digital money commonly referred to as cryptocurrencies. An example is Bitcoin which you must have heard of.

Learn more about cryptocurrencies through these courses.

So the idea behind all these types of trading is the basic principle of profit; buy low sell high. But that's just a tip of the iceberg.

Forex trading is perhaps the most popular online job among the three. Today there are thousands of self-acclaimed gurus on the internet claiming to be making millions from forex exchange. Most of them are just average people eager to make you pay for them to teach you.

Here is my take. There is enough forex and stocks trading advice and information on the internet to start by paying someone to teach you how to do it. You need to get your head into the game, take your time to learn and understand the industry, and make some money before you can even think of paying a tutor.

Forex, stock and cryptocurrency trading is a very risky game. In fact, it's like gambling based on the fact that you are buying something with the speculative hope that its value will increase. So when starting out, only stake money that you are ready to loose.

Honestly, I think this is one of the hardest online jobs in Kenya. The time and dedication required before you start minting good money is simply discouraging. Don't start today and expect to make huge returns in a month or two.

But the good thing, the most exciting thing about it is that you can reap crazy money from online trading. Once you learn the rules and master your emotions, the sky is the limit. This online job can be super rewarding.

Some of the best Forex stock exchange sites include eToro, IQ Option, and XM Global.

Some of these Forex Brokers pay through MPesa. Meanwhile, check out some of the top cryptocurrency exchange platforms perfect for Kenyans.

6. Online Graphic Design

Graphic Design
Graphic Design

Do you have a talent or gift in graphic design? Or are you passionate about art and would love to dedicate you time to design content and even earn from it?

Well, online graphic design is the best online job you can think of. Today there are very many platforms where you can be paid to design graphics for companies and other freelancers. All it takes is passion and CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software.

I want to speak especially to those who had a passion for drawing in their childhood. There is money lying around waiting for you. You just have to educate yourself using the unlimited resources online, get your hands on a few design software and start practising.

Meanwhile, look for online graphic design jobs and apply for some as you hone your skills. Popular platforms for freelance graphic designers include Upwork, Fiverr and Freelancer.

Create an account with each of these platforms and start applying for graphic design jobs which might include: logo design, multimedia design, photo-editing, flash design, landing page design, cartoons, and animations among others.

Graphic design jobs in these platforms are very many based on the lesser number of freelancers who can do them as compared to online academic and article writing jobs. This should signal you to dive deep into your art to perfect your skills and thus command more revenue.

As a top-notch graphic designer, you can mint hundreds of thousands of shillings even from a single job. The secret, however, is as I have told you. You must be so good to be ignored. Thus you must practice daily for months, be patient and passionate and things will begin to happen.

Some top graphic design software you ought to consider learning while starting your graphic design freelance career include CorelDraw, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Gimp and Affinity Designer.

One of the most recognized graphic designer and cartoonist in Kenya is Micheal Muthiga CEO of Fatboy Animations who charges 1 million for a 60-second advert. He is behind the iconic Faiba adverts.

Another way I discovered graphic designers can earn is by publishing T-Shirt designs and selling them on online T-shirt platforms such as TeeSpring, Teechip, and Sunfrog.

All you need is to create a catchy design and upload it, and these guys will handle everything else while you make money sitting at home.

7. YouTube Channel and Vlogging

Youtube Channel onlne job Kenya
YouTube Channel

Did you know YouTube pays an average of Ksh 400 per one thousand views on a YouTube channel? Now let's do the math. How much does a person earn with 10 videos on YouTube averaging 2000 views per month?

Ksh 400 X (2000/1000) X 10 = Ksh 8,000

How about 20 videos with 10,000 views a month? Sorry if you slept in class during Math lessons, I won't do that for you. But here is the thing, you can make good money by creating videos and posting them on YouTube.

In fact, you can make a full-time income from YouTube, enough to fund your worldwide travelling.

YouTube is the largest video library in the world and the second most visited websites in the world after Google. Every minute, 300 hours of video is uploaded on YouTube and 1 billion videos are viewed every single day.

That's just crazy. This kind of market gives you endless opportunities. As long as you are creative enough, you can get a piece of this gargantuan cake. Creative in a way that will attract people to your content which of course must add value to them and must be of quality.

Starting out with YouTube isn't easy either. Just like any other legit online job that can earn you money, YouTube requires you to fulfill certain requirements before you can start making money.

For instance, you are required to accumulate 4000 hours of viewership and 1000 subscribers before you can enable ads on your videos. This takes time and effort because most YouTube viewers cannot subscribe to your channel unless you add value to them and they feel the need to get see more of your content in future.

Once you achieve this fete, you can turn on ads and start earning. But the game doesn't stop there. Henceforth you need to create more valuable and quality content consistently so that YouTube can promote your videos as top results in viewers' searches and that's how your viewership grows.

As time goes by, you will get noticed especially if you have become an authority in the niche that your YouTube channel is based on. People will want to interview you and that will be your chance to expand.

Besides YouTube Ads, you can include advertisements for other companies at a fee or promote your products. Most YouTube entrepreneurs especially attribute their success to this. YouTube Ads pay, but not as much as affiliate marketing and selling digital products.

Also, there is a reason I have indicated Vlog in the subtopic. You see, YouTube is a property of Google and hence, the content you upload on their platform does not really belong to you. It can be removed is they find it inappropriate or if they just don't like it.

That's why it's advisable to have a Vlog on the side which grows together with your YouTube Channel. So that when things go south on the channel, you will still have a backup plan.

Another great platform that is slowly gaining traction is Patreon, which gives more freedom for content creators and better earning opportunities. You should check it out.

8. Online Surveys and rewards platforms

online survey jobs kenya
Online surveys

Doing online surveys is a nice way to make extra money in Kenya. Note, extra. I won't lie to you. You cannot sustain a livelihood on online surveys let alone reward platforms. Why? Because these sites pay peanuts, justifiably.

But let me not get ahead of myself. What are online surveys? These are questions asked after which you are paid in exchange for the time spent answering them. One such platform is Ajua which I have reviewed before that gives you free airtime for answering survey questions.

Why would someone pay you to answer questions? I mean, they must be getting value or money to pay you!

Well, these platforms are paid by companies to collect user data which they can use to make informed decisions. And they pay for the service.

Rewards systems which also encompass online surveys involve people being paid to perform certain tasks. Such tasks include: shopping online, surfing the web, playing games, watching videos and of course answering questions.

As I have mentioned, earnings from these platforms are very limited. First, you can only get a few if any tasks in a day. Often you will not qualify for surveys at all which means you can't earn or be rewarded.

Secondly, you are paid peanuts. For the rare surveys and tasks available expect to earn at most $10. And by the way, before you are given a survey that rewards that much you must be a top tier member. These platforms even require you to pay up some money before you can enter this top membership groups

Some popular online survey platforms include IPoll, Triaba, Paid View Point and Ipsos I-Say.

My genuine advice for anyone interested in online surveys and rewards platform it this; use it only to earn extra cash. Don't make it your full-time job. There are other more valuable online jobs which might not pay instantly but if well done can bring a life of financial abundance.

Do online surveys once in a while, they can be interesting and offer a learning experience. Also, join as many online survey platforms as possible to make enough money to sustain you for some time. But in the meantime, work on some other online job with better opportunities.

9. PTC (Paid to click) Sites

Paid to Click sites
Paid to Click

Another way to earn money is through PTC sites which are very closely related to survey and rewards platforms. PTC sites are platforms which pay a small amount of money for clicking on advertisements.

For instance, you can be asked to click an ad and let it run for some seconds then you are paid between 10 cents and 10 shillings. Well, that's not even peanuts, its salt grains

To earn enough money from PTC sites, you have to accumulate a large number of clicks, thus spend a lot of time clicking on available ads which by the way are very limited. It would take you months of boring clicking before you can accumulate enough money to withdraw.

Besides, you ought to create accounts in many PTC sites to accumulate enough income from all of them. This is just tiresome and adds no value to you.

So when you're done clicking in one year, what will we call you? A master clicker? Or Mr Superfingers?

I honestly don't see much value with PTC sites, even for the advertisers who use them because of what they generate; low quality incentivized traffic which seldom converts. Also, as a clicker, you gain no specialized skills that would open opportunities in future.

Nonetheless, for those who honestly have nothing else to do, you can as well try clicking money out of these sites. But be aware this industry is full of scams. Websites promising to make you leave your job for clicking ads. They offer unbelievable rates such as $5 for a 5-minute ad.

I recently encountered such a site by the name which I wrote a review of all the red flags it has. Check out that review and learn how to smoke such scamming PTC sites.

On the other hand there numerous legit sites that actually pay. They include Neobux, ySense, PrizeRebel and InboxDollar.

You can still make a substantial amount of money especially when you learn the trades that will make you a top earner with these sites. But this online gig won't sustain your life as much. This is best for university students who can spare a few minutes to an hour a day to click.

10. Web design and App Development

Web Design and App Development
Web Design and App Development

There are two aspects about this period in time that necessitated the need for experts in these two interrelated fields. First, everything is going online. That's why web design and development is very essential today. Secondly, almost everybody today owns a smartphone, hence the need for app development talent.

Web design involves the crafting of internet pages. Just look at this page you're reading, doesn't it look nice? I hope it does. Well, for it to look this amazing, web design knowledge and skill had to be involved. Luckily, I know how to do that, and at a cheap price.

You can learn to do the same. For free and by the way, you don't have to know how to code to start. This has been made possible by content management systems such as WordPress and Medium which I have discussed before while explaining how to start a blog for free.

On the other hand, app development is a little more technical. It requires you to indulge in codding like a monster, dedicate the next few months to learn the ins and outs while you practise and perfect your skill.

The two most popular mobile app platforms are Android and iOS (Apple). Learning how to code apps in these ecosystems can really set you aside from your peers. As an app developer, the limiting factor is your creativity, and of course, capital to some extent.

But if you are creative enough to build an innovative app, and get some funding to promote it, you can as well be set for a life of financial abundance. Meanwhile, you can work as a freelance app developer in the same online job platforms I mentioned earlier: Fiverr, Freelancer, and Upwork.

This applies to web design too. Although there are platforms that enable you to design sites without coding, you can learn to design websites from scratch using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP programming languages. This sets you apart and opens more opportunities.

Once you feel skilled enough log into the online jobs platforms and start bidding for jobs. Also, offer to build and maintain websites for some of these companies in Kenya which haven't yet realized the importance of having a website at this digital era.

Again, I want to emphasize on this, it requires hard work, patience and time before you can succeed in this industry and honestly, without passion, you cannot last.

So only indulge in this online job if you have the guts and are willing to put in the work passionately, computer Science students and graduates especially.

Social Media Marketing Jobs in Kenya
Social Media Marketing

A long term but self-explanatory. This online job involves the use of personal social media platforms to market products and services from companies and get paid in return. So what comes at the top of your head from that definition?

Followers! A ton of followers.

Here's the deal. To become a social media influencer, you must have enough fans of a particular sect which companies find valuable. In short, a company will take note of the number of fans you have and if it can benefit from advertising their products and services through you to your fans.

Social media marketing is a tough gig. To accumulate fans, you must have something of value. For ladies, being beautiful and having a luxurious life is enough to pull in hundreds of thousands of fans. How?

Ladies will want to be you and men will want you. So they will follow your accounts especially in Instagram and TikTok and soon brands and companies will be drooling for a piece of your public attention.

For men, it is a little harder? You must be an outlier and even if you are hot, that might not work as much as it does for beautiful ladies. Similarly, portraying a life of luxury will get you followers from the never-ending parade of depressed youths wishing they can have your fake life.

Luckily for most of us with typical looks, good looks and money aren't the only tools you need to grow your social media platforms. A talent, gift, skill and anywhere you thrive above 80% of the world can be your starting point.

For instance, a unique sense of comedy can work. A talent in dancing too. There are very many things you can shine in. The secret is once you start, be consistent.

Post content daily focused on your exact passion. Upload videos, take all comments positively and work on perfecting your skill. Day in day out.

2 to 3 months down the process, things will start picking up. Followers will grow steadily as long as your contents continue to improve. Instagrammers are unforgiving people. You must please their inner desires, those depressed dopamine addicts!

Also take note of the various social platforms available: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. Which medium will work best for you? If not sure, open accounts with a unique brand name in each of them and start creating content for each. Soon, you'll find out which best works for you.

Once you create a name with a good number of followers, your life will take a better turn. Did you know The Rock who has the most number of followers in Instagram charges 1 million dollars for a single post? Over 70 % of Kenyans living today will never make that money in a lifetime.

Also, remember Azziad. Most people think this gorgeous lady luckily went from nobody to a public figure after her one video went viral. What you don't realize is that Azziad had been posting dancing videos for years before the "Utawezana" video took her to the moon.

Nothing great comes overnight. It takes time and effort. So get to work pal. I wouldn't be surprised if Azziad charges 50k for a single post on her Instagram account which has almost half a million followers

12. Ecommerce Marketing

E-commerce Marketing
E-commerce Marketing

One of the fastest-growing industry in the world is Ecommerce which is the home for the current most valuable company in the world, Amazon and the richest man in the world Jeff Bezos. Why do you think so?

As I said, the world is going online and so is the business of purchasing products. Today more products are sold in a day on Amazon than any other company in the world.

In Africa, e-commerce has not grown as much but it is in the process and very soon Jumia and other top e-commerce platforms will grow exponentially as more Africans begin to trust the e-commerce system.

You can have a piece of this cake by diving into the Ecommerce space.

Ecommerce Marketing involves a lot. It can begin with you selling products using an e-commerce site. It can also involve promotion of products on e-commerce sites and getting a commission, a process referred to as affiliate marketing

Another creative way of engaging in e-commerce marketing is by encouraging and helping people buy products from e-commerce sites. This innovative online job was launched in Kenya by Jumia under the name JForce.

So let me explain each of these concepts.

First, creating an e-commerce site is very simple but unless you have good web design knowledge or good capital to use services like Shopify, I would not advise you to immediately build an online store from scratch.

Rather, use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to sell products. Why? Because these platforms already have traffic.

You can leverage this traffic to sell products easily and if you grow well, you can then transition to a professional Ecommerce website and hire employees to manage inventory.

The second way to indulge in e-commerce marketing is through affiliate marketing. This goes hand in hand with blogging since you might have to build a platform to showcase your expertise in the products you are recommending to people. A blog is the best way to do so.

Once you create a normal niche blog, write exhaustive reviews of products in your niche ensuring SEO practices so that your content can rank. Join affiliate programs offered by e-commerce sites such as Amazon, Jumia and Kilimall.

The products you review must come from these e-commerce sites so that you can include an affiliate link that directs people to the product. If anybody directed from your blog buys any product on the e-commerce site, you get a commission for it.

This is perhaps one of the best and most lucrative online jobs you can do in Kenya. It takes time just like any other great thing but once you start making money, it becomes easier to multiply your income.

Lastly, the JForce thing I mentioned, it involves you working as a sales consultant cum affiliate marketer. You are paid commissions for promoting and selling product supplied by Jumia. Check out the JForce page for more information.


These are just a few of the many online jobs in Kenya that actually work for most people. Of course, there are many more ways which we shall discuss later as I try them and see what works. So stay tuned.

And by the way, if you hear anybody promising to give you a job that can earn you over thousands of shilling a day, be wary. These schemes are normally referred to as multilevel marketing systems where you pay handsomely to join and then told to make money by making other people join under you.

In short, they are pyramid schemes which can collapse at any moment and disappear with your money. So be very careful.

Nice time making money online

Graphic Design Jobs in Kenya July 2018


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