Easy 10 Page Research Paper Topics About Wars

Essays on war & conflict can be portrayed from different perspectives. Thus, your paper may deal with the war in terms of politics, heroism, or describe its impact on ordinary people's life. Besides, you might be asked for a more precise topic for your History class essay, for instance, about diplomacy, tactics, propaganda, weapons, as well as the causes and effects such conflicts have.

War Essay Topics

Whether your research paper is about WWI, WW2, Civil, Vietnam or Iraq War, you first need to decide what period to describe and approach to use and then to choose some specific war essay topics for your writing. To be certain that your topic is just right, make sure that:

  1. Your topic is not too broad (for instance, it concentrates on WW2 in general);
  2. Your topic is not too narrow (if it deals with one political figure only);
  3. You can find some research material online including videos, thematic websites, etc), it means that your subject is topical and discussed;
  4. You can find books about your topic in your local library;
  5. The topic is catchy and interesting (not only for your professor but for other students as well);
  6. The topic covers one of the burning issues in history;
  7. You can answer the question of the topic (if any) in the essay.

Covering all these seven steps is vital if you want to come up with a great topic, as it's a half-way to a successful academic essay. After all, we all write essays intending to resolve some burning issues and catch the reader's attention.

Tips for Writing a War Essay

College students who are required to create an essay on this topic should first be well acquainted with the historical background of the conflict they intend to write about. Secondly, they should make sure that essays are informative and cover the causes, consequences, and deprivation that the war caused.

To write a good war essay, consider the following tips:

  • Do extensive research on the topic before you start writing your essay. The easiest thing you can do is simply google your desired topic and check whether there are discussions and materials on the topic available. You'll need to make your topic argumentative, so make sure there are enough reliable sources you can use when writing your essay.
  • Choose a compelling topic that will grab the reader's attention.Once you've done research you might want to change the angle of your topic slightly and then move on to creating an outline for your writing.
  • Start your essay from the main body.We recommend starting with the main problems your future essay will be concentrated on. Provide arguments, support them with evidence and corresponding citations, and make emphasis on structuring your paper properly.
  • "Frame" and proofread you final essay.Introduction and conclusion sections frame your writing making it complex and complete. Writing then at the very end will help you to concentrate more on the context of your writing and include only those aspects that matter. Then, proofread your essay, making sure it has a nice flow.

List of 30 General War Essay Topics

Here's a list of 30 creative topic ideas that can help you understand what to write about. They are listed in no particular historical or chronological order:

  1. WW2 – The Battle of Crete
  2. America's War on Human Trafficking
  3. Islamic and Christian Conflicts on Religion
  4. Terrorism depicted as the cause of most wars
  5. Diplomacy and War
  6. America got involved in the Korean War – why and how?
  7. Athenian progress and the Persian Conflict
  8. How does war influence social development?
  9. The Great War and the situation in the US
  10. The literature of war – Nella Last and Edmund Blunden
  11. The 1967 War and the reasons for Arabic defeat
  12. The Korean War – USSR's and America's role
  13. The Indian and the French War
  14. The role of America in WW2
  15. The role of America in the Great War
  16. What were the fundamental drivers of the Great War?
  17. Is there such a thing as The Just War?
  18. Contemporary America and Culture Conflicts
  19. The Patriots War from 1837 to 1838
  20. How do weak countries sometimes win wars?
  21. The ineffectiveness of the American Drug War
  22. Did the Drug War impact the US Correction System?
  23. The leading causes of world's conflicts – a comparative study
  24. The Great War and America
  25. The period between the Bronze Age and the Peloponnesian War in Greece
  26. Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts
  27. All about alliances in Europe, dictatorships, and wars
  28. The Iraq War from a structuralist-functionalist point of view
  29. Imperialism, Nationalism, Militarism and the Great War
  30. The Cuban Revolution and the model of a Seven-Step conflict

Civil War Research Topics

The topics dedicated to this historical period are probably the most popular ones. The Civil War was a stepping stone that showed just how much the place and time influence people's views and how different opinions on this can sometimes make a solid ground for some major conflicts.

  1. A comparison between the Cold and the Civil Wars
  2. Letters of soldiers from the Civil War
  3. Experiences from the Civil War
  4. The American Civil War, as depicted by American history
  5. The Reconstruction Era and the Civil War in the US
  6. The evaluation of the Civil Conflict
  7. The Civil War and the position of African-Americans in it
  8. What are the causes of the Civil War in America?
  9. What was the soldier's motivation in the American Civil War?
  10. A book by Sheriff and Nelson, "A People at War" on the Civil War
  11. The confrontation between the North and the South and the Civil War in the US
  12. The Civil War and Abraham Lincoln
  13. The poetry of the Civil War – Melville, Dickinson, and Whitman
  14. The Civil War in Nigeria and its crisis
  15. The predetermination of the American Civil War

Cold War Paper Topics

  1. All about the Cold War based on Lewis Gaddis's book "A New History"
  2. How did the Cold War influence American policies?
  3. The complete history of the Cold War
  4. The Conflict on Terror and the Cold War
  5. The history of decolonization and the Cold War
  6. The Cold War and the speech of Winston Churchill
  7. The Cold War the history of Eastern Asia Communist Revolution
  8. International relations from 1945 to 1989 and the Cold War
  9. Realism Theory and the Cold War
  10. The Cold War and WW2 – a comparison

Vietnam War Essay Ideas

  1. The critical points of the Vietnam War
  2. The complete history of the Vietnam Conflict
  3. The role of the CIA in the Vietnam War
  4. Press media and national security in the Vietnam War
  5. The mental health of the participants in the Vietnam Conflict
  6. All about the music that was written during the Vietnam War
  7. The leading causes of the Vietnam Conflict
  8. The stories of Vietnam veterans
  9. The consequences of the Vietnam War
  10. The period in America's history right after the Vietnam

World War I Essay Topics

  1. How did American citizens react when the US entered WW1?
  2. WW1 and Germany's position in it
  3. The provocative phenomenon of WW1
  4. The reasons and causes of WW1
  5. The Political World Domination and WW1
  6. The aftermath of World War 1 in America
  7. A comparison between the Great War and WW1
  8. WW1 – the Outbreak
  9. The causes of WW1 – Nationalism and Pan-Slavism
  10. The impact of US and Nationalism in WW1

World War II Essay Topics

When you choose to write about World War 2, always check the dates and the facts. Remember that it is an important topic to explore, which is why you can compare and check with how it is explored in Europe or in Russia to get more information. Remember to provide citations for each resource used.

  1. The role of women in World War 2 and the heritage of nursing knowledge
  2. The heroic role of children in the United Kingdom during WWII evacuations
  3. The Battle of Stalingrad: the reasons why it was a deciding moment in WWII
  4. The personality of Winston Churchill and wartime rhetorics analysis
  5. The economics of the United States and strategic aspects of World War II
  6. How has Japanese militarism influenced World War II politics?
  7. The role of radio and messages during World War II
  8. The methods of agitation and propaganda used by Hitler's Germany
  9. How does the perception of World War II differ in the UK compared to the USA?
  10. The role of World War II museums for the education of the younger generation
  11. The portrayal of World War II in the media of the post-war times vs the modern times
  12. The Operation Barbarossa: the mistakes and misconception of fascism


- What are some examples of powerful war research topics?

A research essay topic can be considered successful in case it is topical and well-researched. Historical events have a tendency to repeat from time to time, so that modern politicians and ordinary people can treat them as valuable lessons. A powerful topic is the one that can help us understand our past and make an output for the future; the impact of conflicts on our history, propaganda approaches, things that cause wars are some nice examples of timeless topics.

- What's the best way to start a war essay?

The beginning of each lengthy essay should clearly state what major concerns the essay will cover. If you are making a comparison between WW1 and the Cold War, you should tackle both in the introduction and focus on each of them separately in the body of the essay. In case your topic is connected with the importance of technological progress on weapons, make this statement in the paper's intro.

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Source: https://edubirdie.com/blog/war-essay-topics

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